Wednesday, April 14, 2010

FPIQ # (I lost count +1)

Alright, the last one was way too easy. Try this one out for size! (hint - she's changed her hair)


  1. no idea and let me say that your hint is a very bad one. there are a lot of people that have changed her hair!!!!!

  2. I totally agree with Pedro.... there are thousands of famous people that have changed her hair.... so no idea. If Dave lets me I wanna post something:

    The other day I was kinda playing the same game with a friend and we came across with this pic and although it's easy, it tooks us a lot to realize who he is, so I wanna try with you:

    My hints: he is handsome (at least for me) he started as a host of MTV in a programm that starts with P and he has worked as an actor too. Too easy!!!

  3. I could also say she changes the weather, but that would be giving it away!
