Monday, December 14, 2009

Who's to blame?

Watch this short video and answer the following questions in your notepad:
  1. What kind of gambler is Jenny Kephart? (first letter "c")
  2. What is she suing the casino for?
  3. How much did she lose in a single night?
  4. Who sued who first? Why did the casino sue Kephart?
  5. What did the casino do to keep her coming, according to Kephart's attorney?
  6. What two synonyms for "attract" are used in the video?
And now, post a comment giving your opinion: who's to blame? Should casinos be banned? Would you feel guilty if you worked in a casino? Is it possible to consistently win money in a casino or does everyone eventually lose in the long run?


  1. Who's to blame?
    In my view, both are guilty.
    On the one hand the casino took advantage of her, but on the other hand, if she lost that money she has to give it back to the casino. Despite that she is an addictive player she knew that if she didn't win she would have to pay it. I think that she is making an excuse with her addiction in order to not paying.

    Should casinos be banned?
    I don't know so much about casinos but if what they do is not against the law and everything they do is legal, I don't see the point of banning casinos...

    Would you feel guilty if you worked in a casino?
    Maybe, I don't know, if what they do is all based in a mathematic calculation as they say, I won't feel guilty

    Is it possible to consistently win money in a casino or does everyone eventually lose in the long run?
    I don't know but I think that if you are greedy you will probably lose everything.

    I think that I don't forget any question...

  2. (Diana, that would be "I don't think I've left out any questions")
    Great feedback, Diana! Anybody else out there?

  3. ok, I'll take note of that...thank you!
