Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The secret of success (FPIQ # 6)

Well, sort of. These new-age gurus are always speaking in riddles, so I don't know whether I chose the right title for this entry. Do you know this bloke? He has many high-profile followers: for instance, he is the spiritual adviser for Hillary Clinton, current Secretary of State of the United States.

I'm going to make it easy for you this time. Just click on this link and you'll see a little interview. Answer the questions that follow in your notepads:
1. According to the speaker, what is success not about?
2. How does the speaker measure success, then?
3. What is his formula for having all the time and money in the world?
4. Do you think this guy is a success, by his own definition? Do you think he's a quack? Why or why not? Do you think he just tells people what they want to hear? (OK, OK, I'm being cynical again, I know - let me have it!)

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