In the last couple of decades the gap between the rich and the not-so-rich has increased so much that the former just park their Ferraris wherever they want, drive as fast as they please and pay fines as a cost of doing business.
In Switzerland, measures have been taken to stop super-solvent speeders in their tracks by making speeding fines proportionate to income. Now a new record has been been set, and not a speeding one: 299,000 Swiss francs, or almost US$ 300,000 against a millionaire going 35 miles over the speed limit. It raises an interesting issue: is this the way to control speeding and parking of offences by those to whom the ticket is meaningless? Do you think it's a fine idea? (pardon the pun). Your comments, please...
Take a little look at this link:
This is a race across Europe where the rich can show their beautiful cars to everyone while driving at more than ilegal speeds... And yes, people has died because of their "little fun". Good measure Switzerland!