Monday, November 30, 2009

Biotechnology: a farmer's perspective.

As a follow-up to the "Doomsday Vault" activity, I thought we could discuss the issue of genetically modified seeds. This little interview with an American farmer is a good starting point, I think. Listen to the short video, and answer the following questions in your notepads:
  1. Why is Terry Waznek so pleased about "biotech" and what is meant by the term?
  2. According to Waznek, are farmers concerned with the environment? Why?
  3. What verbs are used to describe what farmers do with the land?
  4. Waznek says he would like to rephrase the question, "What are the risks of biotechnology?" How would he like to rephrase it?
  5. Waznek compares fighting biotech to what?
    And now your opinion:
  6. Do you think genetically modified seeds are good for farmers and consumers?

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